Our Expertise
Enercomm International Consultants Ltd, an Irish energy and management consultancy company, was established in 1998 with the objective of providing quality consultancy services to the energy and power sector both in Ireland and overseas.
Depending on the assignment and the expertise/experience required, a dedicated team of complementary consultants can be assembled to deliver a quality service and meet the needs of the client. Enercomm have advised a number of clients on a range of assignments in different countries including Ireland, Serbia, Kosovo, Russia and Mediterranean rim countries
Enercomm has an associate arrangement with a number of consultants in Ireland and overseas and provides quality consultancy services including the following areas:
System Operation
Electricity Markets
Power plant portfolio mix and power systems, integration of largescale wind onto synchronous systems, system services required to facilitate high levels of SNSP (System Non-Synchronous Penetration), system stability and security.
Industry and market restructuring, load analysis and energy efficiency, generation pricing and contracts, supplier contracts and tariff analysis.
Integrated Single Electricity Market rules and operations, competition in the electricity sector, generation & supply licensing.
Grid applications, grid connections, due diligence, information analysis in asset transactions and acquisitions, operations and maintenance analysis.
Power plant project profitability, power plant payment regimes and contractual arrangements, plant optimization with market orientation and plant performance incentivisation.
Dedicated and customised courses for in-house managers and personnel across a range of aspects of the electricity through generation, transmission, distribution, supply and market structure.
© 2014 Enercomm Ltd. Design by Mike D'Souza and Gavin Duffy